Wednesday, August 28, 2013

First day of school

I am on vacation this week to get my kids settled into the school routine.  Today was the first day for them.  I love this time of year because I remember how excited I used to get for the first day of school and my mom always made a big deal out of it.  I try to do the same.  I got up at 4 (my usual time) and went to the gym, I have been good about that this week.  I came home and made a wonderful breakfast for the kids.  We spent a few extra minutes doing Adrianna's hair and picking which outfit she should wear and of course I had to take pictures.  Once they were off I went and spent some time with my BFF.  It was a good day!  She has been my best friend for my entire life and I am able to share things with her that I would not share with any other soul on the planet.  Sometimes, like today she is my life line and I love her dearly. Having such amazingly strong, beautiful, women in my life has definitely influenced the person that I am.  I am very blessed to have such special relationships. 

I have been on track this week and have been to the gym every day.  I am working really hard to stay on plan with my diet too.  I have however made a few bad choices with my food plan.  Tomorrow I am going to have to work pretty hard to make up for that venti Iced Mocha I indulged in today lol.  I am down an additional 5 pounds so I have lost a total of 13 out of the 20 that I had gained.  Not the results I want but acceptable.

I have been feeling particularly lonely the last several days so it was great to spend time with my girl. Tomorrow is another day and another opportunity for great things to happen...

Saturday, August 17, 2013

What? Me, in a swimsuit?

I love my Saturdays!  With only a week and a half left until the kids go back to school I want to get  a lot of activities in...Today I weighed in and thankfully I am down 8 pounds this week.  I am determined not to keep that 20 that I have gained back plus I want to lose 25 more and then I will be at my goal.  This journey has not been an easy one and it has taken a lot longer than I imagined but I feel so good!! It has become so much more about getting fit and strong and so much less about how I look, although that is a big bonus!

I took the kids swimming today and I have to say that this was the first day in my entire life that I wore a swimsuit and did not cover it up with a HUGE T-shirt and shorts.  You know what?  I was not at all self conscious and had a really good time just being with my kids and not worrying if anyone was staring at the fat chick in a swimsuit (that would be me).  What a great thing to not allow myself to be bogged down by my own insecurities!  I even heard my daughter's friend say "your mom is so cool and she's really pretty."  To which my daughter replied "yeah she is really pretty, I'm so proud of her."  It instantly brought tears to my eyes and a smile to my heart! She is having friends sleep over and my little man has decided to spend the night with his cousins.  He is worried the girls will try to put makeup on him LOL.  The girls are having a scary movie marathon and JD is helping out some friends so I am on my own for the evening.

I am kind of sad that the summer is almost over but I am taking a week off when they start school to get them settled in.  I am hoping to get a couple of home projects done at the same time.  It will be strange to be home during the day, alone, while the kids are in school.  I am hoping to hit the gym really hard that week.  I love having those moments to myself.  My workouts are my time. 

My goal this week is to lose at least 5 pounds, hopefully more like 7 or 8.  I am taking the kids school shopping next weekend and since Adrianna will be running cross country this year she asked if we could go run together a couple of nights after work.  I am really looking forward to that.  All the one on one time I get with them makes me happy.  I am , working hard and I will reach my goals!  My family is staying active, and my kids are actually excited about going back to school.  Time for some mommy moments and a pedicure! 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Be true to yourself

I haven't been here for a while.  I have been staying busy, living and enjoying life.  I have re-newed appreciation for my life.  This summer has been wonderfully busy.  I ran my first 5k race!  It was a quiet accomplishment that I have kind of kept just for myself.  Knowing that it was something that I never would have been strong enough to do two years ago.  I have taken some time away from the gym and my strict diet and to be honest I'm really feeling it.  Life is a series of changes, some are wonderful things that keeps you kind of floating and some are real struggles that if you let them can tear you apart.  I have gained back about 20 pounds or so but it is not staying.  My body pain seems to be coming back more often as well.  Today I returned to my regular schedule of exercise and I am back on my diet.  I am ready to get back on track.  I did 8 miles on the bike and 45 minutes of strength training, then 20 minutes on the elliptical.  I am hurting a bit tonight but that will go away in a couple of days, It's a good, tired, kind of pain. 
totally worth it. 

Our family has been spending a lot of time together doing different activities all summer.  We went to Stanley for Melissa's wedding.  What a beautiful place!  It was perfect for that special day!  We had an amazing time.  Melissa was such a beautiful bride.  Because life is such a series of bumps in the road and stressors that bog us down, having moments of love like these remind us to be happy. 

The kids are getting ready to return to school in a couple of weeks and so am I.  It will be an even busier fall so I am cherishing these days now.  I am really happy.  We have struggled with some things lately but we are weathering the storm just as you do.  I am very lucky to have the life I have. 
I am very thankful for every little miracle.  I understand that the most important thing about love is knowing without a doubt in my heart that when I reach out in the dark through good times and bad there will be  another hand to take mine and pull me close.  I know that it is a team effort and we do it together. 

I am working to "lose the extra 20" that I gained back and a few more.  I am still strong, I am still motivated and I have a lot more accomplishments in my future.  Every day is a new beginning, every new beginning is an opportunity to do something epic...