Tuesday, January 29, 2013

You never know what the future holds

A very special friend today told me that you never know what the future holds. It got me thinking about the future and the present and of course the past. I believe that we, the human race control our futures for the most part. It is about what you want out of life and what you are willing to put out into the Universe to get it. Over the last year and a half I have made many changes in my life. Some of those changes sprang from adversity and a dark time and some were inspired by the people that I love. Change can be difficult because it is uncertain. It is easy to get comfortable and therefore complacent within our daily lives, to accept that which makes us unhappy for the fear that if it changes it could be worse. Or perhaps that we will fail or disappoint someone we love.
I believe that GOD will clear the path to our dreams even when it seems impossible. If someone had told me 10 years ago that I would be where I am today or especially that I would have my children. I would have fallen off my chair laughing, thinking there is no way I could get there. I was surviving my life every day just trying to get through each moment and planning for the day in my future that everything would finally go my way. That day never came, it was always elusive, a fantasy. I don’t believe that any more. I have taken charge of my future and my present. I LIVE each moment. I say things that are inappropriate at times. I do things that make my children cringe at times, but that is all part of me. It is how I see the world. The past, present, and future are all connected. Sometimes the past springs into the present and gives you a second chance. It is what you do with that second chance that matters.
I love the changes that I have made and will continue to make as I grow. We should never stop growing, or living. I am no longer willing to simply accept anything that makes me unhappy. I am very excited about the future, I have learned from the past and I attempt daily to live in the moment and enjoy the things and the people that are part of my Universe. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I say what I feel at the very moment that I feel it. I don’t want to leave anything unsaid that should have been said. I want the people that I love to know every moment that I love them and I want my children to know that they CAN make their dreams come true. I also want them to know that they CAN make a difference in the lives of others. 
I am gearing up for the biggest loser weigh in tomorrow and feeling very good about my choices this week, I won last week, I have been eating clean all week and have gone to the gym every day, pushing through the pain of a fibro flair up and staying on track. wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog, your journey is very inspiring and I am very proud to call you 'sister'!! Keep up the great work :)
