Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Feeling good again

I have been in the gym every day for the last 2 weeks and I am feeling much better.  My body pain is far less again and my energy levels are up.  My Hcg has not come in yet but I expect it to be here within the week.  I have a weigh in tomorrow for the biggest loser game in my office.  I am more confident than last week.  During last weeks weigh in I had gained two pounds over the week before however the scale at my gym and the scale that I have did not reflect any gain.  In retrospect, I think I knew it was a gain week.  I did cheat on my food plan a couple of times and I didn't drink enough water.  This week I focused on those things and I have stayed true to eating clean.  I am feeling stronger and leaner, it is a great thing.  I came across some pictures that kind of show my progress so far. 

This picture of me and my daughter was taken in 2010.  This was at my heaviest weight.  it is difficult to look at for me as it represents a depressing time.  It also represents the beginning....

These were taken about half way to my goal weight.  I still have a long way to go and thats just to get to my goal weight then it's the rest of my life.....

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