I got the results of my follow up blood work yesterday and I love good news. I have taken metformin for the last 15 years. One of my goals has been to control my hypoglycemia with my diet and get off the medication. I have not seen my Dr. since he gave me the chantix to quit smoking 9 months ago. Boy was he surprised LOL. My doctor is an old school phsysician, he doesn't have the best bedside manner but he does give it to me straight.
In the last ten months I have accomplished a few things. I did quit smoking, I am eating clean and working hard to get my body in the best physical shape I can be. I had a large goiter in my neck when I started. It was big enough to see, it looked like a big swollen bump in the middle of my throat. It is now gone and my thyroid is constrolled completely through medication and diet. I am totally off all pain medication for my fibromyalgia, even the ibuprofin on most days. Most of all I am officially off the metformin! This medication is for Type 2 diabetes as well as hypoglycemics like me. It has some terrible side effects which is mostly why I wanted to stop taking it.
My blood sugar is completely under control. I started to notice a change in the way the medication was affecting me a couple of months ago and I spoke to the nutritionist at the gym. She suggested that my consistant plateaus could be from the medication. As I have lost weight and gained more muscle over the last year my body has become leaner and I burn fuel much more efficiently now. I am not eating the sugar or the fast carbs that I used to eat so my body doesn't go through the severe ups and downs with my blood sugar anymore.
Being off the medication is huge for me! It is a goal that I had set for myself from the very beginning. I started this journey so that I could become healthier, stronger, and ensure that I would be around for a long time for my kids. I feel that I am one step closer to that now and it's truly a wonderful thing to see and feel the results of all this hard work!!
I so wish I had started this years ago! There is so much that I have missed. Im not going to miss anymore. One day at a time, one step at a time. It certainly is not a race but journey. It's a lifelong change. I feel like I woke up from a long sleep and am finally moving forward. This is confirmation that I am doing well, that I'm on the right path. Celebrate every success!!
Congratulations!!! It is amazing how our bodies can heal themselves when we take good care of them!