As I sit here and listen to the comfortable rumble that is my family and my home I feel so blessed. It is the close of another week. Lots going on this week. I worked out every day this week. Saturday I had a 4 hour workout that kicked my behind lol. I walked early for an hour with "the Ladies". Women that I work with. I love these women and I love spending those moments outside of work with them. After walking I went to the gym and a friend\trainer ran me through a really tough weight training session for my abs and chest. Whoa, by then I thought I wanted to puke so I went to Yoga for an hour and fifteen minutes. I left thinking I may not be able to move tomorrow. Boy, was I right except that I didn't make it to tomorrow, within a couple of hours I was eating ibuprofen and looking for some relief. I have to remind myself sometimes that I can't do it all.
I have a personality that allows me to go, go, go, like the energizer bunny but sometimes I go too hard and my body lets me know. This was one of those times. After working out hard all week, I went over the edge on Saturday and it ended up doing much more bad than good. I took Sunday off to rest my sore body. today I walked 2 miles and ran 2miles then I came home and worked out for 45 minutes on the total gym. I took it easier today hoping to be in full force by tomorrow. I am getting ready for a wedding in July and have set a new short term goal for myself. I want to lose another 20 pounds between now and then. I have chosen my dress and really want to get a size smaller than I am now. It's really pretty, I can't wait to get my new body into it!
Last week I was in training all week and travelling so I got home later and when my schedule is off, everyone's schedules are off. I think I did okay with my food plan. It is hard to stay on plan when you have to eat on the run. I think I made the best choices I could make under the circumstances. My family on the other hand did not fair as well, it was a week of chicken nuggets and hot dogs I'm afraid. This weekend has been good however. We needed some healthier home cooking. All weekend has been about whole foods, and fresh foods. We grilled some beautiful baby back ribs today with roasted vegetables, a green salad, and fresh fruit.
We have been active and moving and now it is time for some rest and a cozy movie in mom's bed lol. Tomorrow is the first day of summer vacation for the kids and back to work for us. I am re doing the floor in the basement next weekend. I have decided to keep the tile and paint it. I researched it and it shouldn't too difficult. I have been rounding up items to put down there and I can't wait for the finished product. Another busy week here I come. School will be starting for me soon so I have to get as much done before that as I can. My goals for the week are to lose 5 pounds, stay on plan and stay busy. I will make sure I get my workouts in. I will get enough rest (that's a hard one). It has been a great weekend, Happy Memorial Day! Do something to inspire someone. Even if it's a little thing, sometimes the little things inspire Epic results!
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